
Archive for August, 2008

Blog Prompt – August 15, 2008: Blog Prompt: Today is National Relaxation Day. How do you plan to relax today?

Relaxation is a thing of the past – and hopefully the future, but right now is almost no existant.  Until Mark has his transplant out lives are a merry-go-round of continuous doctors visits – for both of us, lately.

We visit four different hospitals for Mark’s health and treatments. 

Monash Medical Centre for his transplant team visits.  The Alfred – for his peritonial dialysis education.  The Eye and Ear Hospital for the management of his eye problems and cataract treatments.  And lastly, Frankston Hospital Outpatients for his (and my) Diabetes Clinic.

Of course we also have regular visits to the Renal Specialists and then all the counsellor visits as well.

On top of that we have school things for the older kids, and day care for Cailee as well as my visits to physio, doctors and counsellors.  And then of course there’s the new puppy who is demanding as well. *rolls eyes*

I’m really hoping that all of these appointments will eventually fade to once or twice a year when Mark has had the transplant, but who knows? Something else always seems to pop up. 

Relaxation is saved for bedtime.  When I can zone out and sleep like the dead. LOL

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Best Friends?

Blog Prompt – August 14, 2008: Today is Best Friends Day. Who is your best friend and tell why?

I have never had a Best Friend in the traditional sense of the word.  Not someone I could confide in completely, about everything, or even someone I could say, yes – such and such is definitely my best friend.  I have more a variety of friends who I would consider I am very close to.  That I can call at a moments notice and just sit and blab to. 

The first is my eldest daughter.  She and I have had a very special relationship since she was fourteen – we are closer than any of her friends are with their parents.  We can discuss just about anything.  Some things my husband blocks his ears to, or leaves the room for, because he thinks there are things a father (or mother) just shouldn’t discuss with their child.  But Mel and I do.

My second is my mum.  I can discuss a lot of things with her, more so now than when I was younger.  She still see’s me as her child, but no longer a little girl.  Mum would do anything to help me and she knows if its in my power – I will do anything for her as well.  We socialise together too.  And some of my friends have adopted her as their surrogate mother and grandmother. 

I guess with those two alone I can consider myself blessed.

Then the thrid and fourth I can’t place in any particular order, Vicki and Michelle are equally as close to me.  I’ve known Michelle for almost ten years, she has seen me through a lot of things – we go to the gym together and have gotten drunk together on occasion, as well as making friends with people online together. Whereas Vicki I only met three years ago, through Scrapbooking.  She owns the local scrapbooking store and I occasionally worked for her on Demo Days, as well as teach card classes for her.  She and I are very alike in many ways – we can talk for hours and spend most Saturday nights chatting during crop nights.  (Mum will sit at the ned of the table oblivious to half of our conversations because she’s almost completely deaf.)  The three of us will sit companionably and scrap together.

Last, but definitely not least, is Sandy.  I have known Sandy since Melanie first started school sixteen years ago.  So long, and though we don’t see each other as frequently any more, she and I are still close enough to open up to each other about our trials and tribulations.

So, though I don’t have one particular best friend, I consider myself a lucky person, as I have five amazing women I can call friend.  Five women I am lucky to have in my life – and who help make me who I am.

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A new puppy for the family

Allie’s short time with us impacted us greatly.  We felt at the end of the week after her death that though we had expected a little puppy, what we ended up with was a poor little creature that needed some special love and attention for her alone before she died.  We hope she felt that was what she got.

But it still left us desperately wanting a new puppy.  So once more we went in search of…

Kaia on the day we chose her.

Kaia on the day we chose her.

We went to Werribee and had a look at a litter of puppies, and chose one.  They were only four weeks old at the time, so we didn’t bring her home with us, naturally.  The weeks seemed to creep by, despite our wait only being fourteen days it seemed interminable.  But finally the phone call came, and we packed up the car and headed back to Werribee to collect her.  I was filled with trepidation for the week or so after we brought her home, half expecting the illness that had hit Allie to visit Kaia as well, but its been three weeks since we collected her and she has settled really well into the family.

Of course poor Teaza was feeling just a little put out by her arrival – even more so when he went to be fixed.  Poor thing, being harrassed by this excitable little puppy – who was only an inch or so shorter than he was – and then having to face the indignity of having his manhood removed. 

He recovered quite well from the op, despite swelling and irritation from shaving rash. OUCH!

Now, the pair of them race around the house chasing and attacking each other.  She’ll dominate for a while and then when she runs out of puff, as all pups do, he takes over.  It’s fun to watch.  So now, fears of another puppy dying on us, are starting to fade, but I won’t be happy until she has completed her shots and the vet gives her the all clear to associate with other dogs.

She is a lot paler than Allie was, especially in the face.  She will be a huge shepherd if she follows her parents.  Her father was a massive orangey/tan and black shepherd and her mother a honey/tan and black but both were huge.  Her paws seem to be growing faster than the rest of her. 

The day she arrived home with us.

The day she arrived home with us.

She will answer to her name and come on command, and this week I will start her training in earnest with the sit, stay, down commands one at a time.  Can’t wait until she has enough energy to sustain a decent walk. 

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