
Archive for July, 2008

A Crappy Weekend

Our Little Angel

Our Little Angel

I wish I could turn back the last week and start again.

Our old lady Gipsie died back in April.  We had had her for fourteen years, she was a part of our family – a much loved part of our family, and it has taken a few months before we could even think about a new puppy – but last week we decided the time was right and started looking again.

On Saturday we went to collect our new baby girl – hubby, the two girls and I drove up to Chadstone to collect her.  She was a gorgeous little thing – well as little as a two month old German shepherd can be.  She stunk to high heaven – Con, the breeder, said she and her sister had been a little car sick on the way down from Kerang – a three hour drive away.

Well, when we got her home we took her out into the back garden for a little while, to relieve herself, and so she could have a wander and stretch her legs.  She had been a little sick in the car, but had spent almost the whole drive asleep – so when she got out into the garden she raced all over the place and became a little skittish with C, playing all over the place.

Then she started getting tired, like most little puppies do, and we weren’t surprised when she fell asleep and wasn’t too hungry.  During the night she started whinning in the bathroom, so I packed her into a large box and placed her by my side of the bed.  I’d just started dozing off when she started  throwing up.  I cleaned up the frothy white mucus and finally we settled back down again. 

Once more, a little while later she started throwing up.  This went on through most of the night, little sleep for any of us.  She had a bad bout of diarrhoea the next moring and had continued to throw up, so I called the vets and took her off to Dromana to have her checked out.

The vet wasn’t happy with how she looked, nor with the faecal test she did, saying she hadn’t seen so much bacteria in a pupy before.  A shot of antibiotics, a shot for the pain and nausea, and then more antibiotics for the following morning, in pill form; as well as an electrolyte formula for her and we were off home again.

She continued throwing up most of the night, and I called the breeder to let him know what was going on, so he could check up on the other pups.  The vet had mentioned parvovirus, so I wanted to make sure the other pups didn’t have an infection as well. 

Getting to know you...

Getting to know you...

Monday morning (no sleep again through the night), and I called the vets to say she still wasn’t doing too well.  They booked us in for a four o’clock appointment.

At two, I decided to give her another bath because she had been sick and still had diarrhoea – but she all but passed out in the bathtub – so badly lethargic that she was limp like a rag doll.  I pulled her out of the bath and covered her with a couple of towels, while hubby rang the vets.  We were told to bring her in immediately.

We did.  I bundled her into a washing basket, covered in a couple of towels, and she loosed her bowels again all through them by the time we got to the vets.  We were shown into a room, and the vet came in to check her – the same vet from the day before.

We were told she would be put on to a drip and that the next 24 hours would be the teller to whether she would recover or not.  We left the vets in tears.

We had only been home for about twenty minutes when the phone rang.  Allie had just passed away.  The parvo tests came through as negative, so all anyone can think is that she had a really bad case of enteritis.

The whole family has been devestated by her death.  Eight weeks – such a short life.

I rang the breeder and told him what had happened.  He was as upset as we were, and has refunded her purchase price in full.

We have a few photos from when she was out playing in the back garden; and a couple more from later Saturday night when she still seemed alright and was laying on C’s lap – I’d actually gone out to scrapping that night and used one of the better ones with Allie and C for a layout.

I intend on doing another layout, a memorial one for Allie sometime soon.  I want to be able to write her a letter – one that Cailee will be able to look back on in years to come when she has started to forget about the little puppy that was a part of our lives for such a short time.

Allie may have only been a part of our family for a short forty-eight hours but we won’t ever forget her and the impact her short life, and death, made upon us.

RIP Allie.

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My Perfect Summer Day

Blog Prompt – July 9, 2008: Describe your perfect summer day?

Hmmm…. perfect summer day?  One that isn’t too hot, and by that I mean one below 30°c.

I hate hot weather and it hates me as well.  From the year we landed in Australia I have had problems handly the weather here.  That first summer, as soon as the heat got above the magic thirty, I ended up passed out in the middle of Main Street.

If the weather is mild, I will enjoy the day and be able to function – housework, taking the kids out for the day, having fun.  But when it goes over, I’m stuffed.  The weather will give me a migraine and totally enervate me so I can’t do much more than flake out on the bed with the fan going.

So basically, any summer day below thirty degrees celsius is perfect for me.


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Blog Prompt – July 8, 2008: What kind of stories do you like best? Tear-jerkers? Happy endings? Unexpected twists? Or all of the above?

It all depends on what type of mood I am in when I sit down to watch a movie.  I can be in a romantic mood when the best movie to watch will be a tearjerker that leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy.  If I’m on edge, I like to watch a murder/mystery type movie where my thoughts can converge on solving the crime before the movie is halfway through.

I love romantic comedies, where the happy ending doesn’t necessarily leave you crying.  Warm and fuzzy, or on edge and puzzling out the ending, it doesn’t matter which, as long as the movie moves along nicely and entertains me.  I have eclectic tastes in movies and music – if the blurb hooks me, I’ll probably end up adding yet another movie to my list of favourites.


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Blog Prompt – June 30, 2008: What I last saw out of my living room window…

The last thing I saw out of my loungeroom window was the washing machine repairman as he backed out of the driveway.  It’s been six weeks since my washing machine died, even longer since I contacted Electrolux to find out if they would cover the repairs under warrantee. 

Today, finally, the guy arrived to make the repairs.  One problem – since the original problem occurred two months ago, the motor has finally packed in as well. So now, another wait, to find out if they will repair this further damage or if I have to pay for it and the repairs. 

I will never buy brand new again after this problem.  If I have to buy a new washing machine I will scour the shops until I can find a decent second hand one.  At least with them you only expect two years or so of use before having to be replaced.  I was expecting at least five years of use from a  brand new one, because I know that these days, no appliance is built to last.

My advice?

Never buy electrolux or westinghouse because their customer service is atrocious and their product sucks.


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