
Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Lunchbreak on Main StreetMmmm… Today was a busy day but enjoyable.  I had to be up early to take the car in for new tyres.  Once that was done it was off to the laundrette, because until Friday when the technician is due, we have no washing machine.  For 30 minutes we had nothing better to do than go down Main Street and have some lunch while the washing was being done.  Mmmm… hot sausage rolls and even hotter cappuccino from Banjo’s was the order of the day (and Cailee’s suggestion). 

We spent an enjoyable twenty minutes or so eating and enjoying the ambience – all bar out in the cooler air on Main Street itself.  But the bakery was wayyyy too hot for me, and Mark and Cailee were both well rugged up – so al fresco it was.

I also bought a couple more card magazines so I can garner inspiration for the card class I’m doing next term.  I have three new sketches ready, all I have to do now is make up the cards for both male and female for demonstration purposes and I’ll be set for next term – just have to work out the dates.  (Linda also asked me if I could do another two classes next term on the Handbag Cards, so will have to work in a couple for Saturday classes for those as well.)

Then back to put the washing in the large dryers, and thirty minutes later – walking up to the top end of Main Street and back, the drying was done.

Mark also picked up a cheap CD from a street musician.  His name is Chris Fatouros, and the music was lovely.  While we ate our sausage rolls, we could hear him further down the street.  On the way back to the laundrette we saw he was only charging $10 each for his CD’s, so Mark picked one out, and paid for it.  Great voice – nice looking fella.  One of these days he may be famous, who knows.

I then had to bring Mark, Cailee and the washing home before heading off to the auto electricians to have the passenger window of the car done.  A new switch will cost $150, but the electrician fixed it so the window can be opened from the drivers side for now, until we can get the switch ordered and installed.

I’d only been home a few minutes when mum rang to say she was on her way around to say goodbye before she left on her holiday to the Red Centre.  Looking forward to seeing the pix, just hope she stays away from crocodiles in Kakadu!

It was a cold but pleasant day, we’ve had a few mild days for the beginning of winter – but fog has been coating us every night and morning.  Today was ideal for going for a walk and just zoning out.  Mark, Cailee and I had a good time and now that I’m feeling better we’ll prolly do it more often when the days aren’t wet.

(Mel’s due home tonight for our Sex and the City girls day out tomorrow.  She’s mega excited!)

Ciao for now,


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